Grieving Loved Ones From Grief to Purpose!

Releasing Trapped Emotions

The Beginning: Grief to Purpose

This is a beautiful Grief to Purpose story for you to read if you are Grieving from the loss of Loved Ones. It's a true story about a dad's, journey after and his 18 year old son was killed in a motorcycle crash. This tragic loss profoundly taught him the meaning of life and death. They shifted their relationship to continue communication in a very personal, unique way filled with love, peace, and joy when Robby was always grieving loss of his loved ones, crying all the time.

Robby and Benjamin are both very special to me. I met Robby on years after his son  passed and connected us from Heaven. I watched Robby grow from Grief to Purpose through our consistent dialogue to each other. Robby shared his grief and healing experiences moving forward when he and Benjamin connected with me from May to December 2021.

Today's blog is the first of many episodes of weekly Grief to Purpose, healing blogs to help you see a new perspective about life and death. There is so much wisdom shared here for you to learn. For example: How precious life is and when you go back to your light body no one ever dies.

Here it is Grieving Loved Ones From Grief to Purpose. Episode 1, When Robby first contacted Kim. Featuring "Robby and Benjamin."

1st Email Q&A: Robby & Life Coach

"I wrote a little on the blog at your Tribute website "Healing a Grieving Heart." Rob here, my son Benjamin died after turning 18 in a motorcycle crash. I have been trying to research as much as I can about light flickering. Benjamin put on an amazing light show for our family. Lights were sweeping and flickering across the kitchen ceiling.

It’s been a year and half now and I’m still seeking more insight on the flickering.  I miss Benjamin and I'm  always looking for signs and ways to communicate. It's funny, I keep a light always on at home for him but I’m not seeing anymore flickering."

"I remember when I first met Robby. He was very sad , crying a lot, missing Benjamin." said Kim

Robby and Benjamin

Life Coaching Wisdom for Grieving Loved Ones

Hi Robby, "It's important for you to understand, for Benjamin it's not about the lights. It was about Benjamin creatively finding a way to reach you so you would know it was Benjamin and he is still here with you and doing well. He wants to make you laugh and comfort you. This worked for Benjamin that day. He really is there with you when you think of him.

For Benjamin, anything electrical is very easy for him to play with including your computer and the phone. 
I'm thinking Benjamin may be trying to reach you again now. And you may not have recognized it this time. I learned that if I am sad and crying because I missed my son, I wouldn't be able to see the signs. When I realized this, I wanted to connect to my son more than being sad, so I focused on ways to connect, looked for signs, and asked him to do things for me. Benjamin will love to do this with you. I know because all he can feel now is love and joy where he is. He lives in a love vibration. Once you ask him for something, it's best to drop it and go about your day. And little by little, day by day he will be able to connect with you better and better, more and more.
I recommend asking Benjamin if he would either flicker the lights again for you or create something new with him now that would be fun for you and Benjamin.

Is there something unique between you and Benjamin, you can use to create a "Hello" from him to communicate with you just between the two of you? The key is to shift from Grieving and sadness into a fun time. When you feel love, joy or even excitement these are all emotions in the love vibration. So it brings you closer to Benjamin. This is why he can reach you better.  If you can do this, he will be able to connect with you easier and you will see his signs better too. 

Benjamin may be the one that connected us all along. You can ask him. He really does want to reach you and see you happy. He must be that clever. Don't you think so?
You are welcome to write to me anytime. I will be happy to share what I learned with you." Kim
Robby did continue to contact Life Coach Kim. Stay tuned for week 2, Episode 2. For more information, contact Kim at 970-672-8476,